Open source software, traditionally known as 'free software', is a code of instructions written in precise programming language (Muir 2008). The language tells computers what to display and how to perform certain functions in certain ways. Open source code is then compiled and the language translated into files stored in the background of your computer.
Open source coding and its effective use can be broken down further to a real life situation of the differences between community produsage and commercial production.
Community produsage is a concept designed to share resources and actively contribute to the language of codes in order to build stronger open sources of software (such as firefox). Raymond (1999) argues that within community produsage, "anyone can contribute, share and reuse code... Bazaar Style." Community produsage embraces the use of free tools and labour to create a greater source of freedom and democratic power.
Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, has developed a freedom model cosisting of four crucial principles:
0 - Run any program for any purpose
1 - Open access to study programs and adapt the language to users individual needs
2 - Share programs
3 - Add to programs
The four key principles were created to provide a single standardised and collaborative operating system of open source software. The software would be inobtrusive and allow for freedoms of choice and anominity for programmers and users.
However, proprietory sources (such as microsoft) have recognised the great potential that programming language has in the transformation of economic value within society. The shift from industrial economies to knowledge based economies and networks of information has seen programming and coding become an extremely valuable commodity. "Commercialisation has transformed code into a highly valuable commodity that must be guarded" (Muir 2008). Proprietory software now has control of its users and the ways in which they operate in everyday life.
Code as a commodity shapes the capacity and efficiency of how users perform tasks in the real world. Users of microsoft office in a work environment have to adhear to the strict windows functions or limitations which may potentially impact the output efficiency of the user and their work. In contrast to an open source of community based collaboration and co-creation which is continually updated and succeeded efficiently to produce a 'better' final product. I can definately identify with the values of community based produsage. However, I still think that the weight of our using decisions rely heavily on the decisions of big companies and their fight for the 'big bucks'.
Open source coding and its effective use can be broken down further to a real life situation of the differences between community produsage and commercial production.
Community produsage is a concept designed to share resources and actively contribute to the language of codes in order to build stronger open sources of software (such as firefox). Raymond (1999) argues that within community produsage, "anyone can contribute, share and reuse code... Bazaar Style." Community produsage embraces the use of free tools and labour to create a greater source of freedom and democratic power.
Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, has developed a freedom model cosisting of four crucial principles:
0 - Run any program for any purpose
1 - Open access to study programs and adapt the language to users individual needs
2 - Share programs
3 - Add to programs
The four key principles were created to provide a single standardised and collaborative operating system of open source software. The software would be inobtrusive and allow for freedoms of choice and anominity for programmers and users.
However, proprietory sources (such as microsoft) have recognised the great potential that programming language has in the transformation of economic value within society. The shift from industrial economies to knowledge based economies and networks of information has seen programming and coding become an extremely valuable commodity. "Commercialisation has transformed code into a highly valuable commodity that must be guarded" (Muir 2008). Proprietory software now has control of its users and the ways in which they operate in everyday life.
Code as a commodity shapes the capacity and efficiency of how users perform tasks in the real world. Users of microsoft office in a work environment have to adhear to the strict windows functions or limitations which may potentially impact the output efficiency of the user and their work. In contrast to an open source of community based collaboration and co-creation which is continually updated and succeeded efficiently to produce a 'better' final product. I can definately identify with the values of community based produsage. However, I still think that the weight of our using decisions rely heavily on the decisions of big companies and their fight for the 'big bucks'.
1 comment:
Open source programs are by no means second grade to programs that are made by billion dollar corporations. We have a choice to which programs we use. Companies like Microsoft have produced products like MS Word, a word processing document that is reasonably easy to use and feature rich. The fact however is there are several other choice for us to use that are freely available thanks to the open source community. Take Jarte and OpenOffice as two examples that stand up to Microsoft’s Word application. They are both widely used but not known as well as Word. I think it is all about marketing Microsoft have been around for years and market their products well. Everybody uses them and knows how to so why change even if you do find a better product, because the chances are you will probably be the only one that changes. Then there are certain products that have been open sourced but cleverly managed, reviewed and their goals are clear. Proper project management have been involved resulting in a successful product. Example of this has to be Firefox. Firefox is rapidly catching up to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. I believe it is because of the fact that it is made by the people for the people. It is simple safe and secure but can be easily transformed by adding various plug-ins. So open source is I believe becoming more and more dominant especially as we embrace Web2.0
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